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Population and society
Education and Labour market
Health and welfare
Industry and Services
Environment and Agriculture
Economy and Local government finance
Culture and leisure
Elections, political and social activities
Households economic conditions
Labour market
Social security
Buildings and constructions
External trade
Transport and road accidents
Research and development
Environment and energy
Agriculture, livestock and fishing
National accounts
Local government finance
Labour market
Seats held (number) and voter turnout (per 100 voters) of the Italian Parliament elections for the Chamber of deputies by electoral system and election's date. Kingdom of Italy elections -Years 1861-1934
Seats held (number) and voter turnout (per 100 voters) of the Italian Parliament elections for the Chamber of deputies and the Senate by electoral system and election's date - Years 1948-2013
Seats assigned to Italy and voter turnout, per 100 voters, of the European Parliament election by election's date - Years 1979-2014
Voter turnout, per 100 voters, share of valid votes by answer, quorum validity requirement and outcome of popular referendums by type, date and matter - Years 1946-2016
Political and social participation
Persons aged 14 and over by participation in social activities and persons aged 6 and over by worship attendance and sex - Years 1993-2015
Persons aged 14 and over by participation in social activities and persons aged 6 and over by worship attendance and sex - Years 1993-2015
Persons aged 14 and over by participation in social activities and persons aged 6 and over by worship attendance and geographical area - Years 1993-2015
Persons aged 14 and over who get informed about potitics by modalities of political information and sex - Years 1998-2015
Persons aged 14 and over by modes of political participation, sex and geographical area - Years 1993-2015
Persons aged 14 and over who get informed about potitics by modalities of political information and geographical areas - Years 1998-2015
Persons aged 14 and over by modes of political participation and sex - Years 1993-2015
Istat. Partecipazione sociale
Corte suprema di cassazione. Elezioni e referendum
Ministero dell'interno. Archivio storico delle elezioni
Parlamento europeo
Dati utili