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National accounts
Local government finance
National accounts
Sequence of accounts
ESA 95
Goods and services account - Years 1970-2010
Generation of income account - Years 1970-2010
Allocation of primary income account -Years 1970-2010
Use of disposable income account - 1970-2010
Capital account - Years 1970-2010
National income - 1970-2010
International transactions - Years 1970-2010
Reconciliation of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and Gross National Income (GNI) - Years 1970-2010
ESA 2010
Goods and services account - Years 1995-2015
Generation of income account - Years 1995-2015
Allocation of primary income account -Years 1995-2015
Use of disposable income account - 1995-2015
Capital account - Years 1995-2015
National income - 1995-2015
International transactions - Years 1995-2015
National economic aggregates
ESA 95
Average value of main aggregates - 1970-2010
Value added at factor cost by sector of activity - 1970-2010
National consumption, total and per inhabitant - 1970-2010
Final consumption expenditure of households by purpose -1970-2010
Gross fixed capital formation by sector of activity - Years 1970-2009
Compensation of employees by sector of activity - 1970-2010
Taxes on production and imports by sector of activity - 1980-2010
Main aggregates by institutional sector - 1990-2010
General Government annual accounts: revenues, expenditure and balances - 1980-2010
General Government final consumption expenditure by purpose - Years 1990-2009
General Government annual accounts: main ratios - Years 1980-2010
ESA 2010
Average value of main aggregates - 1995-2015
Value added at factor cost by sector of activity - 1995-2015
National consumption, total and per inhabitant - 1995-2015
Final consumption expenditure of households by purpose -1995-2015
Gross fixed capital formation by sector of activity - Years 1995-2015
Compensation of employees by sector of activity - 1995-2015
Indirect taxes by sector of activity - 1995-2015
Main aggregates by institutional sector - 1995-2015
General Government annual accounts: revenues, expenditure and balances - 1995-2015
General Government final consumption expenditure by purpose - Years 1995-2015
General Government annual accounts: main ratios - Years 1995-2015
Subnational economic aggregates
ESA 95
Gross domestic product by geographical area - 1980-2009
Gross domestic product per inhabitant by geographical area - Years 1982-2009
Household final consumption expenditure by geographical area - 1980-2009
Gross fixed capital formation by geographical area - 1980-2009
Compensation of employees per full time equivalent employee by geographical area -1980-2009
ESA 2010
Gross domestic product by geographical area - 1995-2014
Gross domestic product per inhabitant by geographical area - Years 1995-2014
Household final consumption expenditure by geographical area - 1995-2014
Gross fixed capital formation by geographical area - 1995-2013
Compensation of employees per full time equivalent employee by geographical area -1995-2013
Banca d'Italia and Istat 1861-2017 (from Banca d'Italia historical statistics)
Banca d'Italia. La contabilità nazionale in Italia dall'Unità a oggi
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