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Population and society
Education and Labour market
Health and welfare
Industry and Services
Environment and Agriculture
Economy and Local government finance
Culture and leisure
Elections, political and social activities
Households economic conditions
Labour market
Social security
Buildings and constructions
External trade
Transport and road accidents
Research and development
Environment and energy
Agriculture, livestock and fishing
National accounts
Local government finance
Social security
Health facilities and hospital admissions
Health care Institutes, inpatient beds, lenght of stay, lenght of stay (days) per type of health care facility- Years 1954-2012
Inpatient beds per 1000 inhabitants per geographical area - Year 1954-2012
Inpatient beds per 1000 inhabitants per region - Year 1954-2012
Induced abortions and cesarean sections
Hospital discharges for miscarriage per geographical area - Years 1956-2013
Hospital discharges for miscarriage per region - Years 1979-2013
Induced abortions per geographical area - Years 1979-2013
Induced abortions per region and geographical area - Years 1979-2013
Caesarean sections by geographical area - Years 1980-2014
Caesarean sections by region and geographical area- Years 1980-2014
Deaths and causes of deaths
Deaths and median age at death by sex - Years 1862-2013
Number of deaths by region and mortality rates by region of residence and sex - Years 1990-2013
Number of deaths by marital status and sex - Years 1863-2013
Deaths by sex and age - Years 1863-2013
Infant mortality rate by area of residence and sex - Years 1990-2013
Infant mortality rate by region of residence and sex - Years 1990-2013
Infant mortality rate by age at death and sex; perinatal mortality rate by sex - Years 1863-2013
Number of deaths within the first year of life, by age group and sex - Years 1863-2013
Number of deaths and crude mortality rate for major group of causes of death - Years 1881-2013
Number of deaths by region of residence, major groups of causes of death and sex - Years 1990-2013
Crude mortality rates by region of residence, major groups of causes of death and sex - Years 1990-2013
Age-standardized mortality rates by region of residence, major groups of causes of death and sex - Years 1990-2013
Health conditions and risk factors
Population by some reported chronic diseases and by gender - Years 1980, 1983, 1987, 1990, 1993 - 2015
Population by some reported chronic diseases and by geographical area - Years 1980, 1983, 1987, 1990, 1993 - 2015
Persons with invalidity by type of invalidity and gender - Years 1980, 1983, 1987, 1990, 1994, 2000, 2005, 2013
Persons with invalidity by type of invalidity and geographical area - Years 1980, 1983, 1987, 1990, 1994, 2000, 2005, 2013
Smokers aged 14 years and over by geographical area and gender - Years 1980, 1983, 1987, 1990, 1993- 2015
Overweight and obese adults by geographical area and gender - Years 1990, 1994, 2000, 2001- 2014
Alcohol consumers by gender and geographical area - Years 1983, 1993 - 2015
Medical consultations and diagnostic checks over the 4 weeks before the interview by gender and geographical area - Years 1983, 1987, 1990, 1994, 2000, 2005, 2013
Reported cases of some infectious diseases subject to compulsory notification - Years 1925 - 2009
Reported cases of some infectious diseases subject to compulsory notification - Years 1888-1924
Height of men cohort
Average height of men cohort born during the years 1854 -1980
Average height of men cohort born during the years 1918 - 1980, by region
Cause di morte : 1887-1955
Statistica delle cause delle morti [ 1881-1888 ]
Cause di morte : statistica analitica per l'anno [ 1889-1895 ]
Statistica delle cause di morte [ 1896-1937 ]
Movimento della popolazione e cause di morte [ 1938-1942 ]
Le cause di morte in Italia nel decennio 1938-1948
Morti e dispersi per cause belliche negli anni 1940-45
Ministero della Salute, Attività gestionali ed economiche delle USL e delle Aziende ospedaliere - Personale delle USL e degli Istituti di cura pubblici - Anni vari
Ministero della salute, Modelli di rilevazione dei dati delle attività gestionali delle strutture sanitarie: Decreto 5 Dicembre 2006
Ministero della Salute, Rapporti annuali sull'attività di ricovero - Anni vari
Ministero della salute, Certificato di assistenza al parto (CeDAP). Analisi dell'evento nascita - Anno 2013
Ministero della salute, Relazione del Ministro della Salute sull'attuazione della Legge 194/78 Norme per la tutela sociale della maternità e sull'interruzione volontaria della gravidanza. Dati preliminari 2014 e dati definitivi 2013
Ministero della salute, Legge 194/78
Ministero della salute, Guadagnare salute
WHO, International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems
Health for All Italia Istat , Sistema Informativo territoriale su sanità e salute
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