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Population and society
Education and Labour market
Health and welfare
Industry and Services
Environment and Agriculture
Economy and Local government finance
Culture and leisure
Elections, political and social activities
Households economic conditions
Labour market
Social security
Buildings and constructions
External trade
Transport and road accidents
Research and development
Environment and energy
Agriculture, livestock and fishing
National accounts
Local government finance
Labour market
General population and housing census
Active population, active population excluded persons seeking employment for the first time and activity rates by gender - 1861-2001 Census data
Activity rates by regions - 1881-2001 Census data
Active population excluded persons seeking employment for the first time by gender and sector of economic activity - 1861-2001 Census data
Active population excluded persons seeking employment for the first time by sector of economic activity and region - 1861-2001 Census data
Labour forces
Resident population aged 15 and over by professional status and sex - 1959-2015
Resident population aged 15 and over by professional status, age group and geographical area - 1977-2015
Resident population aged 15 and over by professional status, age group, sex and geographical area - 1977-2015
Employment rates, unemployment rates and activity rates by age group and geographical area - 1977-2015
Employment rates, unemployment rates and activity rates by age group and gender - 1977-2015
Employment rates, unemployment rates and activity rates by age group, sex, region and geographical area - 1977-2015
Employed persons by sector of economic activity, professional status and geographical area - 1993-2015
Employed persons by sector of economic activity, professional status and sex - 1993-2015
Employed persons by sectors of economic activity, professional status, region and geographical area - 1993-2015
Employees by type of occupation, working time and geographical area - 1993-2015
Employees by type of occupation, working time, region and geographical area - 1993-2015
National accounts estimates: employed and labour units
ESA 95
Employment in persons by sector of economic activity and working status - 1970-2010
Full time equivalent units by sector of activity - 1970-2010
Regular and irregular full time equivalent units by working status - 1980-2010
Full time equivalent units (employees and self-employed) by geographical area - 1980-2009
Public sector employment by type of institution and level of government - 1980-2010
Gross domestic product per full time equivalent unit and geographical area - 1980-2009
Hours worked by employees and self-employed by sectors of activity - 1980-2010
ESA 2010
Employment in persons by sector of economic activity and working status - 1995-2015
Full time equivalent units by sector of activity - 1995-2015
Regular and irregular full time equivalent units by working status - 1995-2015
Full time equivalent units (employees and self-employed) by geographical area - 1995-2013
Public sector employment by type of institution and level of government - 1995-2015
Gross domestic product per full time equivalent unit and geographical area - 1995-2013
Hours worked by employees and self-employed by sectors of activity - 1995-2015
Wages and salaries, labour disputes
Annual contractual gross wages of some categories of Ministries employee - 1926-1985
Annual contractual gross wages of Ministry managers and employees by area - 1990-2015
Annual contractual gross wages of some professional categories for some economy sectors - 1990-2015
Hourly gross wages according to collective labour agreements indices by some sectors of economic activity and job position - 1955-2015
Labour conflicts, workers involved and hours lost by sectors of economic activity - 1949-2009
Rilevazione nazionale delle forze di lavoro [ 1959-1968 trimestrale ]
Annuario di statistiche del lavoro [ 1972-1985 ]
Rilevazione delle forze di lavoro [1978-1993 trimestrale ]
Rilevazione delle forze di lavoro. Media … [ 1978-1985 ]
Rilevazione delle forze di lavoro. Media … Nord-centro, Mezzogiorno [ 1979-1989 ]
Forze di lavoro. Media … [ 2000- … ]
Annali di statistica, SERIE XII, VOL.2
Dati utili