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Population and society
Education and Labour market
Health and welfare
Industry and Services
Environment and Agriculture
Economy and Local government finance
Culture and leisure
Elections, political and social activities
Households economic conditions
Labour market
Social security
Buildings and constructions
External trade
Transport and road accidents
Research and development
Environment and energy
Agriculture, livestock and fishing
National accounts
Local government finance
Agriculture, livestock and fishing
Agricultural holdings
Number of agricultural holdings and total area by management system; General Agricultural Censuses from 1961 to 2010
Number of agricultural holdings and total area by agricultural area size class: General Agricultural Censuses from 1961 to 2010
Number of holdings and cattle heads by cattle head class: General Agricultural Censuses from 1961 to 2010
Number of holdings and pig heads by pig head class: General Agricultural Censuses from 1961 to 2010
Crops and forests
Agricultural and forestry areas by use - Years 1861- 2015
Area of main crops of arable land: cereals and dread pulses - Years 1921-2015
Area of main crops of arable land: potatoes, fresh pulses and horticultural crops - Years 1921-2015
Area of main crops of arable land: industrial crops and green fodder - Years 1921-2015
Production of main crops of arable land: cereals and dread pulses - Years 1861-2015
Production of main crops of arable land: potatoes, fresh pulses and horticultural crops - Years 1861-2015
Production of main industrial crops and green fodder - Years 1861-2015
Area of main permanent crops: grapes, olive tree and citrus fruits - Years 1921-2015
Area of main permanent crops: fresh fruit and nuts - Years 1921-2015
Production of main permanent crops: grapes, olive and citrus fruits - Years 1861-2015
Production of main permanent crops: fresh fruit and nuts - Years 1861-2015
Mean production of main crops - Years 1921-2015
Wood and non-wood removals from forest - Years 1934-2015
Fertilisers for agricultural use by category: simple mineral fertilisers - Years 1931-2014
Fertilisers for agricultural use by category: compound mineral fertilisers -Years 1931-2014
Nutrients contained in fertilisers per hectare of fertilisable area - Years 1977-2014
Plant protection products and traps - Years 1996-2014
Active substances in plant protection products, by category - Years 1996-2014
Zootechnical and fishing activities
Livestock by species and other zootechnical products - Years 1861-2015
Slaughtered livestock by species - Years 1861-2015
Milk produced, butter and cheese - Years 1861-1984
Milk collected and main products - Years 1981-2015
Production of sea and lagoons fishing - Years 1861-2014
Annuario statistico dell'agricoltura italiana [ 1936-1946 ]
Annuario di statistica agraria [ 1954- 1983 ]
Statistiche agrarie [ 1984 ]
Statistiche dell'agricoltura, zootecnia e mezzi di produzione [ 1985-1993 ]
Statistiche dell'agricoltura [ 1994-… ]
Crea. Pubblicazioni
Ismea. Mercati
Eurostat. Agricultural Statistics
Oecd-Fao. Agricultural Outlook
Dati utili