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Households economic conditions
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National accounts
Household consumption
Series 1973-2013
Household average monthly consumption expenditure, by consumption category and geographical area - Years 1973-2013
Household average monthly consumption expenditure, by consumption category and geographical area - Food and beverages - Years 1973-2013
Household average montly consumption expenditure, by consumption category and geographical area - Non food - Years 1973 - 2013
Household average monthly consumption expenditure, by consumption category and reference person's professional condition - Years 1973-2013
Household average monthly consumption expenditure, by consumption category and reference person's professional condition - Food and beverages - Years 1973 - 2013
Household average monthly consumption expenditure, by consumption category and reference person's professional condition - Non food -Years 1973-2013
Household average monthly consumption expenditure, by consumption category and household size - Years 1973-2013
Household average monthly consumption expenditure, by consumption category and household size - Food and beverages - Years 1973-2013
Household average monthly consumption expenditure, by consumption category and household size - Non food - Years 1973-2013
New series
Household average monthly consumption expenditure, by consumption category and geographical area - Year 2014
Household average monthly consumption expenditure, by consumption category and geographical area - Food and non alchoolic beverages - Year 2014
Household average montly consumption expenditure, by consumption category and geographical area - Non food - Year 2014
Household average monthly consumption expenditure, by consumption category and reference person's professional condition - Year 2014
Household average monthly consumption expenditure, by consumption category and reference person's professional condition - Food and non alcoholic beverages - Year 2014
Household average monthly consumption expenditure, by consumption category and reference person's professional condition - Non food -Year 2014
Household average monthly consumption expenditure, by consumption category and household size - Years 2014
Household average monthly consumption expenditure, by consumption category and household size - Food and non alcoholic beverages- Year 2014
Household average monthly consumption expenditure, by consumption category and household size - Non food - Year 2014
Household economic conditions
Poverty line values, poverty incidence by geographical area and poverty intensity - Years 1980-2014
Poverty values and incidence by different relative poverty lines - Years 1980-2014
Relative poverty incidence by household size - Years 1980-2014
Banca d'Italia and Istat 1861-2017 (from Banca d'Italia historical statistics)
I consumi delle famiglie : anno … [1975- … ]
Eurostat. Household Budget Surveys
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