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Population and society
Education and Labour market
Health and welfare
Industry and Services
Environment and Agriculture
Economy and Local government finance
Culture and leisure
Elections, political and social activities
Households economic conditions
Labour market
Social security
Buildings and constructions
External trade
Transport and road accidents
Research and development
Environment and energy
Agriculture, livestock and fishing
National accounts
Local government finance
Census related data on population change and structure
Resident population by sex at current and reference year borders, present population at Censuses 1861-2011 and year 2014
Resident population by region and geographical area at 1861- 2011 Censuses and 31st december 2014
Population by age class and sex, aging ratio and dependency ratio at Census from 1861 to 2011 according to reference year borders
Population by sex and civil status at Census from 1861 to 2011 at reference year borders
Resident population and demographic dynamics
Resident population by sex, live births, deaths, natural increasing, net migration, total balance and birth rates, mortality rate, natural growth rate and total migration rate - Years 1862-2014 at current borders
Resident population and demographic balance at reference year borders - Years 1862-1947
Resident population at the 1st of January and average by region and geographical area - Years 1952-2014
Natural movement of population: natural increase by region - Years 1926-2014
Natural increasing rate of population by region and geographical area - Years 1951-2014
Births by vitality and legitimacy status - Present population at reference year borders - Years 1863-2014
Live births and stillbirths by legitimacy status and sex - Years 1926-2014
Live births by age of mother - Years 1949-2014
Legitimate live births by age of mother - Years 1930-1998
Legitimate live births by birth order - Years 1930-1998
Singleton and multiple births - Years 1868-1998
Total fertility rates by geographical area - Years 1952-2015
Total fertility rate (TFR) by birth order and region - Years 1952-2014
Mortality tables by sex and age - Years 1899-1902; 1921-22; 1930-32; 1950-52; 1960-62; 1970-72; 1981; 1991; 2001; 2011; 2014
Emigrants and national returning migrants
Emigrants and national returning migrants by country of destination and origin (Europe or other countries) - Years 1869-2014
Emigrants by some destination countries - Years 1869-2014
National returning migrants from some Countries - Years 1902-2014
Emigrants by sex and professional condition - Years 1876-1990
Emigrants and National returning migrants by region and geographical area - Years 1876-2014
Domestic migration
Immigration and emigration from/to other Italian Municipalities and internal migration balance by region and geographical area -Years 1902-2014
Internal migration rate by region and geographical area - Years 1952-2014
Foreign population
Foreign resident population by sex and region at census 1981, 1991, 2001, 2011 and at 31 December 2012, 2013, 2014
Foreign resident population in Italy by age class, sex and region at Censuses 1981, 1991, 2001, 2011 and and at 31 December 2012, 2013, 2014
Foreign residents population in Italy by major citizenships at Censuses 1981, 1991, 2001, 2011 and at 31 December 2012, 2013, 2014
Live births from a foreign couple by region and geographical area - Years 1992-2014
Foreign spouses' marriages by region and geographical area - Years 1992-2014
Residence permits for non-national citizens by type of permit, reason of stay and sex -Years 1992-2015
Residence permits for non-national citizens by type of permit, reason of stay and geographic area of citizenship from 1 January 1992 to 1 January 2015
Territory and urbanisation
Surface area, number of municipalities, localities, small inhabited areas and resident population at Censuses 1861-2001 and year 2014, reference year borders
Total resident population and population in localities of the largest municipalities at Censuses 1861-2001 and year 2014, reference year borders
Surface area and population density for the largest municipalities at Censuses 1911-2001 and year 2014, reference year borders
Number of municipalities and total resident population by demographic size of municipalities at Censuses 1951-2001 and year 2014
Number of municipalities, resident population, surface area, average size of municipalities and population density by geographical areas at Censuses 1861-2001 and year 2014, reference year borders
Number of municipalities, resident population and percentage composition, surface area, average size of municipalities and population density by region at Censuses 1951-2001 and year 2014
Resident population by altitude, region and geographical area, at Censuses 1951-2011 and year 2014
Population density by altitude, region and geographical area at Censuses 1951-2011 and year 2014
Popolazione : Movimento dello stato civile [ 1862-1899 ]
Statistica della popolazione : movimento dello stato civile 1900
Movimento della popolazione secondo gli atti dello stato civile nell'anno … [ 1901-1936 ]
Movimento della popolazione secondo gli atti di stato civile negli anni [1943-1950 ]
Annuario statistico dell'emigrazione italiana [ 1876-1925 ]
Statistica delle migrazioni da e per l'estero [ 1926-1938 ]
Statistica delle cause delle morti [ 1881-1888 ]
Cause di morte : statistica analitica per l'anno [ 1889-1895 ]
Statistica delle cause di morte [ 1896-1937 ]
Movimento della popolazione e cause di morte [ 1938-1942 ]
Popolazione e circoscrizioni amministrative dei comuni [ 1952-1963 ]
Popolazione e movimento anagrafico dei comuni [ 1964-2005 ]
Annuario di statistiche demografiche [ 1951-2005 ]
Statistiche demografiche [ 1981-1987 ]
Nascite e decessi [ 1988-1991]
Nascite [ 1992-1996 ]
Decessi [ 1992-2002 ]
Movimento migratorio della popolazione residente : iscrizioni e cancellazioni anagrafiche, espatri e rimpatri [ 1988-2000 ]
Matrimoni, separazioni e divorzi [ 1988-2003]
Sommario storico di statistiche sulla popolazione : anni 1951-87
Sviluppo della popolazione italiana dal 1861 al 1961
Annali di statistica, SERIE XII, VOL.2
DEMO - Demografia in cifre
Informazioni territoriali e cartografiche
Dati utili