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Population and society
Education and Labour market
Health and welfare
Industry and Services
Environment and Agriculture
Economy and Local government finance
Culture and leisure
Elections, political and social activities
Households economic conditions
Labour market
Social security
Buildings and constructions
External trade
Transport and road accidents
Research and development
Environment and energy
Agriculture, livestock and fishing
National accounts
Local government finance
Trends of civil and criminal proceedings
Ensued judicial proceedings by judicial office - First instance - Years 1880-2014
Settled judicial proceedings by judicial office - First instance - Years 1880-2014
Ensued and settled judicial proceedings by judicial office - Instance of appeal - Years 1880-2014
Ensued criminal proceedings by judicial office - First instance - Years 1951-2014
Settled criminal proceedings by judicial office - First instance - Years 1951-2014
Ensued and settled criminal proceedings by judicial office - Instance of appeal - Years 1951-2014
Civil justice - Accounting and administration - Notary activities
Civil proceedings settled with sentence by dispute subject - First instance - Years 1956-2014
Civil proceedings settled with sentence by dispute subject - Instance of appeal - Years 1956-2014
Judicial measures relating to personal status - Years 1891-2014
Protests and bankruptcies - Years 1867-2014
Seizures, attachments, judicial sales - Years 1883-2014
Flow of ensued proceedings by degree of judgement and type of accounting and administrative office - Years 1993-2014
Flow of settled proceedings by degree of judgement and type of accounting and administrative office - Years 1993-2014
Notary deeds and agreements - Years 1896-2015
Crimes reported against known perpetrator for which the judicial authority began the criminal action and crimes reported against unknown perpetrator - Years 1880-2013
Crimes reported against known perpetrator for which the judicial authority began the criminal action and crimes reported against unknown perpetrator - Years 1880-2013
Minors reported for crime by type and place of birth - Years 1961-2013
Crimes reported by the Police forces to the Judicial authority by type of crime - Years 1955-2014
Crimes reported by the Police forces to the Judicial authority by type of crime - Years 1955-2014
Convicted for crime by type of crime - Years 1890-2015
Convicted for crime by type of crime by inflicted penalty, sex, age, place of birth - Years 1890-2015
Detention and prevention centre: Prison admissions, prison releases and number of inmates at the end of the year by sex - Years 1863-2015
Residential rehabilitation centres and judicial reformatories for minors: movement and presence at the end of the year by sex- Years 1862-1989
Juvenile justice services - Prisons admissions and number of inmates at the end of the year by sex - Years 1991-2015
Annuario di statistiche giudiziarie [ 1961-1987 ]
Statistiche giudiziarie [ 1988-1993]
Statistiche giudiziarie penali [ 1994-… ]
Statistiche giudiziarie civili [ 1994-… ]
Istat. Giustizia
Ministero della giustizia. Statistiche
Dati utili