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Population and society
Education and Labour market
Health and welfare
Industry and Services
Environment and Agriculture
Economy and Local government finance
Culture and leisure
Elections, political and social activities
Households economic conditions
Labour market
Social security
Buildings and constructions
External trade
Transport and road accidents
Research and development
Environment and energy
Agriculture, livestock and fishing
National accounts
Local government finance
Culture and leisure
Education level and illiteracy
Resident population aged 6 and over by educational attainment and geographic division at census - Years 1951-2011 censuses
Resident population aged 6 and over by educational attainment, region and geographic division at census - Years 1951-2011 population censuses
Bridegrooms and grooms not capable of writing, who could not subscribe their wedding act - Years 1867-1965
Pupils and students enrolled in pre-primary, primary, secondary and university education by school/academic year - Years 1861/62-2013/14
School units, teachers and pupils in pre-primary education - School years from 1861/62 to 2013/14
School units, teachers and pupils enrolled in primary and lower secondary education - School years from 1926/27 to 2013/14
Number of school units, teachers and students enrolled by sex, repeaters and students per teachers in upper secondary education. School/academic years 1913/14-2013/14
Female teachers by education level - School/academic years 1951/52, 1961/62, 1971/72, 1981/82-2013/14
Number of school units, enrolment by sex and repeaters in upper secondary schools by main categories of secondary school education - School years 1945/46-2013/14
Participation rates in primary and secondary education by sex - School Years 1951/52-2013/14
Participation rates by education level, sex and geographical areas - School years 1984/85-2013/14
Graduates by primary and secondary education level and sex - School years 1945/46-2013/14
Attainment rate in primary and secondary education by sex - School Years 1949/50-2013/14
Upper secondary and tertiary education graduates by sex and geographical areas - School/academic years 1992/93-2012/13
Foreign students in pre-primary, primary, secondary education and university by geographical area - School/academic years 1993/94-2013/14
Universities, academies and conservatories
Pupils and students enrolled in pre-primary, primary, secondary and university education by school/academic year - Years 1861/62-2013/14
City with university college, faculties, university teachers, enrolled and transition rate from upper secondary education to university - Academic years 1913/14-2013/14
New entrants at university, students within and beyond the legal duration of the course and enrolment rate by sex - Academic year 1926/27-2013/14
University graduates by sex and academic teachers - Years 1926-2014
University students by disciplinary group - Academic years 1866/67-2013/14
Upper secondary and tertiary education graduates by sex, region and geographical area - School/academic years 1996/97-2012/13
University graduates by disciplinary groups - Years 1926-2013
Upper secondary and tertiary education graduates by sex and geographical areas - School/academic years 1992/93-2012/13
Foreign students in pre-primary, primary, secondary education and university by geographical area - School/academic years 1993/94-2013/14
Foreign university students by sex, geographical area of the university and citizenship (continent) - Academic years 1955/56-2013/14
Students enrolled by sex and academic teachers in public art academies and conservatories and Music institutes - academic years 1926/27-2013/14
I censimenti nell'Italia unita. Le fonti di stato della popolazione tra il XIX e il XXI secolo. Annali di statistica - SERIE XII - VOL.2
Miur. Indagine sull'istruzione universitaria
Miur. Servizio statistico
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